Additional learning requirements (OFAs)

This page explains how to fulfil any additional learning requirements (OFAs) resulting from your admission test score.
In order to fill their gaps, students with OFAs are required to participate in tutoring activities organized by the University and to pass a final assessment. Any additional learning requirements must be met within the first year of the programme, otherwise the student's career will be halted (by February 2026).

For the Bachelor's degree programme in Philosophy, OFAs are assigned to candidates who scored less than 25/50 in the first three sections of the TOLC-SU self-assessment test (the English section is not taken into consideration). Learn more on the TOLC-SU test on the University website - TOLC Cisia Test page. For more information on the TOLC-SU test structure and syllabus, including exercise examples, visit the Cisia website.
For students transferring to the Philosophy programme, who are admitted to the first year and who have taken the non-selective, self-assessment TOLC-SU test, any OFAs will be assigned based on the test score.

Students with SLDs/disabilities wishing to apply for accommodations please contact SLD/disability services and submit the required documentation. Once the office has granted the application, the student will notify the OFA tutor, who will provide the required accommodations.

This page explains how to fulfil any Additional Learning Requirements (OFA) resulting from your admission test score.

If you have any OFA, you will be required to attend additional activities, such as courses and seminars, and pass a final exam within the first year of your study programme, otherwise your academic career will be halted.

For all programmes of the Faculty of Humanities, Additional Learning Requirements will result from test scores:

    below 25/50 overall in the first three sections of the TOLC-SU self-assessment test
    below 15/30 in the section “Written comprehension and Italian language proficiency".

Additional learning requirements (OFA) 2021/2022

Access the course using your Unimi credentials.

This page explains how to fulfil any Additional Learning Requirements (OFA) resulting from your admission test score.

If you have any OFA, you will be required to attend additional activities, such as courses and seminars, and pass a final exam within the first year of your study programme, otherwise your academic career will be halted.

For all programmes of the Faculty of Humanities, Additional Learning Requirements will result from test scores:

    below 25/50 overall in the first three sections of the TOLC-SU self-assessment test
    below 15/30 in the section “Written comprehension and Italian language proficiency".

OFA 2020/2021

Access the course using your Unimi credentials.

The Additional Learning Requirements (OFA) are additional activities, such as courses and seminars, to be attended by students who have shown weaknesses in particular subjects during the initial assessment.

For students enrolled in the academic year 2019-20 the minimum score required to be exempted from OFA is 30.

The students who have obtained a score below the minimum must attend the additional educational activities planned throughout the year. They are also assisted individually by tutors. These activities are certified by passing the exam in Logic in the first year of the course (last available exam session January / February 2021). All students attending additional educational activities are requested to register in the dedicated online environment by January 22, 2020.

Students who have been assigned OFA path will receive further communications to the students email address ( only after registering in the dedicated online environment. Therefore, you are kindly required not not delay the registration process.

This page explains how to fulfil any additional learning requirements (OFAs) resulting from your admission test score.
In order to fill their gaps, students with OFAs are required to participate in tutoring activities organized by the University and to pass a final assessment. Any additional learning requirements must be met within the first year of the programme, otherwise the student's career will be halted (by February 2024).

For the Bachelor's degree programme in Philosophy, OFAs are assigned to candidates who scored less than 25/50 in the first three sections of the TOLC-SU self-assessment test (the English section is not taken into consideration). Learn more on the TOLC-SU test on the University website - TOLC Cisia Test page. For more information on the TOLC-SU test structure and syllabus, including exercise examples, visit the Cisia website.
For students transferring to the Philosophy programme, who are admitted to the first year and who have taken the non-selective, self-assessment TOLC-SU test, any OFAs will be assigned based on the test score.

Students with SLDs/disabilities wishing to apply for accommodations please contact SLD/disability services and submit the required documentation. Once the office has granted the application, the student will notify the OFA tutor, who will provide the required accommodations.

OFA 2022/2023

Access the course using your Unimi credentials.

This page explains how to fulfil any additional learning requirements (OFAs) resulting from your admission test score.
In order to fill their gaps, students with OFAs are required to participate in tutoring activities organized by the University and to pass a final assessment. Any additional learning requirements must be met within the first year of the programme, otherwise the student's career will be halted (by February 2025).

For the Bachelor's degree programme in Philosophy, OFAs are assigned to candidates who scored less than 25/50 in the first three sections of the TOLC-SU self-assessment test (the English section is not taken into consideration). Learn more on the TOLC-SU test on the University website - TOLC Cisia Test page. For more information on the TOLC-SU test structure and syllabus, including exercise examples, visit the Cisia website.
For students transferring to the Philosophy programme, who are admitted to the first year and who have taken the non-selective, self-assessment TOLC-SU test, any OFAs will be assigned based on the test score.

Students with SLDs/disabilities wishing to apply for accommodations please contact SLD/disability services and submit the required documentation. Once the office has granted the application, the student will notify the OFA tutor, who will provide the required accommodations.

OFA 2023/2024

Access the course using your Unimi credentials.